Sky Diving
Sky Diving is definitely an amazing sport! Youll be able to find out how it feels to be the ruler of the world, to have the earth beneath you Literally! But better than feeling like a king is --Freedom. For 45 to 60 seconds there is nothing but you, and the air. Flying your body in the sky could be one of the greatest feelings you could have ever experienced. Flying and landing a parachute is a lot of fun too. Its kind of like driving a race car and landing an airplane all at once.
Not only can you feel freedom, but you can also find relaxation in free fall. I know no better way to relax then jumping out of plane and back flying solo. It is very easy to breath in free fall, because there is a lot of air up there. Being relaxed and just flying and have fun.
Tandem Sky Diving: I find Tandem is the most popular for beginners because it requires less instruction, and you feel safer during Tandem Skydiving, due to the fact that you are via attached by a harness to a skilled diver.
Static line Sky Diving: This type of sky diving is also very fun, as you have the chance to float through the skies. Unlike Tandem Diving, there is no free fall, because the cord to your parachute is automatically released when you have departed from the plane.
Accelerated Free Fall: This technique could also be used by beginners, since you will have two instructors jump off the plane along with you and other students, which is why it could also be called harness hold training. You will also have the instructors correct you position in Mid-air.
Best things to wear?
Clothes and jumpsuits: Skydiving isnt a fashion contest. Any clothes that you are comfortable in should be fine. Loose fitting clothes will likely allow you to be more comfortable during your skydive. We provide jumpsuits that cover your clothes.
Shoes For Skydiving: Sneakers or similar soft soled shoes work best. The shoes must be tight and able to stay on when freefalling at 120 MPH.
Hair and Helmets: For Skydiving: We provide helmets for all tandem students. If you have long hair, you should plan on pulling it back or putting it into a pony tail. Some people prefer to tuck their long hair inside their helmets.
Skydiving With Glasses: Goggles will be given for all students. The goggles protect your eyes from the wind. If you wear prescription glasses, you can either jump without your glasses, or put our goggles over your glasses.
Best places to Sky Dive?
Wollongong, Sydney (Australia)
If your cup of tea is to have be cool n' cold, maybe soaring above Victoria Falls, the highest waterfall on Earthis more up your alley. Not only is this waterfall one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Zambezi River is full of real-life, bizzare scenes, and if youre lucky, youll even see a rainbow.
This is definitely a ride that will physically lighten your soul, well, in my opinion. When your height rivals the mountain, you would be able to close up details that you would never dreamed of before: The snow that dusts the gray rock, the chilly temperatures, ect
From what you have read, maybe you are convinced that skydiving should be given a try,. I find it an exhilarating type of entertainment, and even a little scary. But fear not, once you get it over with, you'll really feel like you've done the impossible.
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