Merry-go-rounds, spinning cups, Ferris wheels, Bumper Cars and drop zones are all amazing rides that come from amusement parks. All these rides give you the chance to lay back, and have fun.
Sometimes, this isn't the actual truth.
Because then there are thrill rides.
Thrill rides are designed trick our bodies and brains into thinking we are in mortal danger. I have experiences with that feeling, due to the fact that I have an extreme fear of any type of roller coaster. But as scary as they are, sometimes, our conscious tells us: "A handful of other people have gone on this same ride and have made it out alive, stop being such a wimp."
As supportive as that may be, our instincts could be wrong.
But then again, we are risk-takers! There are some pretty scary rides out there, but you wont know if you at least tried to go on one of these rides. Try em', I dare you.
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Splash Mountain |
I'm not sure if any of Splash Mountain's 15 injuries were incurred by the song that's played on (How do you do?), but that would definitely be my first guess. Most of Splash Mountain's injury reports border on the absolutely ludicrous, including an eyebrow laceration, a fainting spell, and an eyelid injury. An eyelid injury?!
I've went on this ride when I went to Florida's Disneyland a couple of months ago. It kept me on the edge of my seat for a long time, wondering when the huge drop was going to happen.
This monstrosity has a 75 degree drop that can go as 77 mph, nearly ripping skin off your face.
Then, there would be the Leviathan, the 16th coaster from Canada's Wonderland! According to legend, a leviathan is a gigantic sea monster that attacked sailors. And though there wasn't any water on the ride, it didn't change the fact that this ride was a beast.

Not only will this ride be a great experience for you, but you will also e able to help other, due to the fact that 100% of the proceeds go to SickKids and their new research and learning tower.
Number 4 is definitely the drop tower: Lex Luthor, Drop of Doom!! Six flags, Magic Mountain is the lucky amusement park to host this ride, in Valencia, California of USA.
Named after one of DC Comic's most dangerously intelligent super-villains and Superman's greatest enemy: LEXLUTHOR. Drop of Doom is attached to both sides of the iconic SUPERMAN: Escape from Krypton tower. You can experience this thrill all while SUPERMAN: Escape from Krypton cars as they are blasted from the top.
You'll be pulled to the top of the 400 foot tower, experience a brief pause then drop at speeds of up to 85 mph.
After the five second freefall, you'll be stopped by a sophisticated magnetic braking system just a few feet from the ground. Definitely a sight to behold.
After the five second freefall, you'll be stopped by a sophisticated magnetic braking system just a few feet from the ground. Definitely a sight to behold.
Finally, the last thrill ride
would be from Florida's Disney: Island of Adventure..... Harry Potter's Forbidden Journey!!! I am a HUGE fan of Harry Potter, but my infatuation has nothing to do with the high potential it has. The forbidden journey is truly a sign of the todays amazing creativity and technology.

~ Splash Mountain (Frontierland in Walt Disney World)
~ Harry Potter's Forbidden Journey (Islands of Adventure)
~ Behemoth
~ Leviathan
~Lex Luthor - Drop Of Doom (Six Flags, Magic Mountain)
~ Kingda Ka
I hope some you will heed my picks and actually try these rides. These rides play a part in the thrill of your life. And you gotta try em', cause' we dared you!
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